Category Newsletters

November Newsletter

Wowsers, what a quarter – lots of speaking opportunities, and lots of humour!  Enjoy our mid-year review of club progress, updates on the contests, and an interesting insight into our church: City Speakers November Newsletter

August Newsletter

It’s time for the first newsletter of the new committee year, and boy has it been a busy few of months!  Check out all the recent happenings, profiles of your new committee, and all the information on upcoming events –…

March Newsletter!

Hi all, The last month or 2 has been very exciting for us all at the club what with 2 of our members getting through to the Division competition in the International Speech and Evaluation contests; here’s more info on…

February Newsletter!

Hi all, Here’s our latest newsletter hot off the press! Jam-packed full of news, events and other public speaking related miscellany! City Speakers Newsletter – February